Wondering what path to study abroad? Don’t let indecision lead you into a generic topic that thousands of other students would graduate in. Confident that somewhere out there is your dream course; you just haven’t reached it yet. A good way to distinguish yourself is to opt for a more unique course, graduating with a specific specialization that suits your personality, interests and private goals. Here are 5 unusual postgraduate and undergraduate courses, all available for study now in Europe, to help you explore some less-trodden academic pathways.

  1. Degree in game design

Careers can be both rewarding and lucrative in the gaming industry. And although hours of leisurely couch-time for the user can be the end product of gaming ventures, making good game titles takes levels of creativity, dedication and pure hard graft to match some of the toughest industries out there. However, the incentives continue to make this a highly sought-after industry by young graduates from a variety of careers, both in terms of salary and work satisfaction.

  • Degree in automotive engineering

A blend of mechanical, electrical and materials science is automotive engineering. Engineers may design new vehicles in this area or search for ways to develop existing technology in automotive engineering.

  • Degree in spacecraft design

Spacecraft Design is a full-time master’s degree taught entirely in English that focuses on spacecraft design. The course covers the incorporation of complicated technological structures that are capable of working in the intense environment that is space. You can gain insight into the world of space and even how it moves and orientates itself in space. You can also hear about several subsystems that make up the spacecraft and how it interacts with the environment around it.

Categories: Education


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