The perception which Indian students have on education varies from one student to the next. The education system favors students who can force them into the subject. 

The students who find it difficult, fail. India has a huge number of schools. It does not raise the quality of education which a student receives from it. 

We seem to have forgotten that increasing the number of institutions does not increase the quality. The situation is pretty much the same all around the globe. But students receive high-quality education when they choose to do so. The cost of education might be high, but it is worth every penny.

They are exposed to fellow students from around the world. They get to be in touch with several cultures and practices. It gives helps them expand their thought processes. 

Students who pursue their studies abroad often have to live alone in hostels. The amount of confidence which one receives through this is impeccable. 

1. Quality of Education

Education does not come free. We must make sure that the quality of education we receive is high. One must ensure that the knowledge he/she receives, helps them with their goals. Having the right knowledge is more important than just having an education. 

Studying abroad gives students the opportunity to choose a college from all over the globe. Since there are numerous options available, one can choose the best among them. 

Indian schools have very few streams that a student can pursue. Having a lesser number of streams to choose from, increases the competition.

Students end up choosing a stream that is less competitive. It later turns out to be useless from a career perspective. They end up studying the subjects which they have no passion for. Students later rely on private classes and boot camps which can fetch them a job.

The Universities which have the top most rankings are often present in the UK and USA. The United Kingdom is home to some of the world’s oldest institutions. 

They offer several courses from various streams and departments. They focus on research-oriented education which allows the students to get a deeper knowledge.

2. Career Opportunities

Students often have huge dreams and career goals. There are high chances for the country they live in, to not have the required education. 

This makes them give up on their dreams and force themselves into the crowd. It is essential that the students find the right education which can fulfill their career goals.

Studying abroad can also open them to new career ideas. Since the education which the students receive is valid globally, they can work anywhere their heart wants them to. 

When compared to India, technology is far more developed in the UK, USA, and Australia. 

There is a huge demand for technical fields. Having a degree in the related field will be of great help. Students can also discover their passion. They can open themselves to new ideologies which might help them identify their forte. 

3. Personality Development

A student might have enormous skills and abilities. It still would not be enough to fetch them a job. Employers hire students who have good communication skills. 

People who can express what they think in the best way possible are in demand. But students who graduate out of college find it hard to communicate. 

They are used to one single environment all their lives and find it extremely difficult to adapt to a new one.  When a community of students from various cultures is brought together, they find it easy to overcome this fear.

4. An amazing addition to your Profile

It is amazing to mention your distance education on your resume. In fact, when you are looking for a job, many companies look for a person that has studied abroad. It indicates that you are a mature person and you are responsible.

Studying abroad will brush up your language skills. Especially if you go to a country where they speak a language that you do not know. You might have just studied in school but might not really be good at it. You can enhance these skills when you get a good education.

5. Finding a new area of interest

People generally have a lot of innate skills. People who don’t acquire those by enrolling themselves in classes. These skills can either be technical such as programming and designing. It can be playing a musical instrument or playing a game.

Most of the time, when we learn a new skill, we tend to stop at one. We never push ourselves to learn another one. There is not enough motivation which is available outside. But, when we see our friends having one, we tend to learn them subconsciously. 

You might meet someone who came from halfway across the world. He/She might have the same skills which you have. But they might know how to do it better. They might know how to write code more efficiently than you. They might know how to crack job interviews. 

6. It is Challenging

There is a quote that says “You won’t change unless you are challenged”. Most people do not realize how challenging life really is. We tend to stay in our comfort zones. We tend to seek jobs near our locality or take up subjects which we already know.

There are enormous choices available, and we still neglect them. We choose the easy ones over the worthy ones. Abroad education is highly demanding and comes with a lot of challenges. The task of leaving the locality and culture which we are used to is not easy.

Most students either have to live in hostels or in private rooms. They have to adapt to live with roommates from different cultures. The time zones might be completely different from their hometowns. Most students take up part-time courses to manage the cost of living.

They also have to manage academics along with this. It is difficult but the strong ones are those who adapt and thrive. You will learn to live on your own and be wise in spending your resources. The motivation and confidence you will receive will help you throughout your life. 

7. Independence and Self-reliance

Students in India grow up with their parents until they are married. It takes them a long time to adapt to the challenges that life throws at them. They have always been taught to rely on someone even for their daily needs. When you study in a different country, you are going to come out of this.

If you have no relatives or associates in the country you have chosen, this becomes even more interesting. Gradually you would adapt and learn things on your own. Learning to wash your clothes to get a Social Security number (if the USA) you will teach yourself a lot of things.

8. An experience of a lifetime

Education might seem extremely stretchy. But considering the number of years we spend on it, it occupies a very low portion of our lives. On the other side, the experience which you get in these few years would guide you from thereon. It defines who you are to the people you meet.

It even helps you in self-realization. It lets you understand your own skills and weak areas. When you study abroad, you will have an enormous amount of free time which you can put to good use. You can use the time wisely. Study but do not forget to explore.

When you come back to your hometown, you will bring back a plethora of emotions along with you. Not to forget the fact that there is a very low chance that you will get this experience by being elsewhere. It will help you overcome your insecurities and promotes good interpersonal communication.  

9. Develop a new perspective

The right mindset is important to get into a successful career. There is no use in letting yourself stagnate in a single place all your life. Once you meet students from different educational backgrounds, it will alter the way you think.

It will let you have a wider mindset and program your brain to think big. It might seem funny but you can get the opinion of the entire world on something just by talking with a few of your international friends. It will let you understand how insignificant our perspective was before.

10. Start appreciating small things in life

We often tend to overlook the fact of how blessed we are. We never know the value of something when it is right there with us. Once you get far away from things which you once thought was insignificant, you will know how valuable they were.

The personal relationships you had with your family and friends will grow stronger. The alone time will let you process any traumatic experiences that you had with them. 

Similarly, it will give them time to forget your mistakes and shortcomings. When you visit them again, the relationship you had with them would have grown big and strong.


As long as you choose the right major, there is no way in which your choice can go wrong. Money is also not a problem now. 

Top institutions around the globe offer financial scholarships that the students can make use of. There is a university for everyone to match their own needs and profile so there is absolutely no need to worry.

It is wise to try good things in life which brings you knowledge and wealth. Do not hesitate to take up an opportunity just because you are afraid to do it. There are several majors and streams which are available abroad for you to explore and enroll. 

Categories: Education


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